Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 45 At Sea March 7

As we make our way to Singapore we have left the Java Sea and entered the South China Sea. This conjures up thoughts of World War II with stories of submarines, P T Boats and dog fights. Shortly after we passed Krakatoa yesterday evening we were told we were passing two WW II battleships that were sunk here during that war. Of course we could not see them as they were still at the bottom of the ocean.
We also crossed over the equator today as well on our north west course to Singapore. The ship once again observed that rite of passage with the obligatory dunkings.
Over the last two days we have begun to see much more traffic on the water. Mostly we have seen small boats that appear to be fishing. They seem to be too far out and not in sight of land for their size. I suppose they know what they are doing. Yesterday I did see some dolphins and some flying fish. These are interesting little things that seem more like large bugs as they skim over the water.
Tomorrow Singapore.

Chris - "Loop d Loops and a Big Circle" - As Paul mentioned we crossed the equator today (well actually we cross it in a half hour) but the ceremony was today. I did attend the ceremony as it was held in my pool. It was similar to the last ship's, except they "slimed" 8 people but only dunked 3. Bonus for me since they didn't dunk anyone who was slimed. They dunked the Cruise Director, one of his female staff and the second in command of the ship (usually it's the Captain but he was dealing with the emergency on board...story to follow.) Good fun was had by all. So, what goes under must come up and we are on the "right"side of the equator now. As for the Circle, there was an emergency announcement calling someone to the hospital on board, then about 45 min later an announcement. The Captain came on the PA and announced that we just traveled in an large circle. There was a medical emergency that they thought they had to turn around and head to the closest island to take care of and once they had the ship turned around, there was no longer any need for the island so we turned around again. Now THAT didn't sound good for someone. But at least everyone who was chasing the sun had an explanation as to why they had screwed themselves into the ground following the sun. So back on course and right side up.