Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 26 At Sea

Pictures: A overview look at the Bay of Islands and our Trivia Team.
Today was a typical day at sea. The weather was not great in that it was overcast and a little cooler than we have become accustomed to. The highlight of the day was the dinner we had with our "Trivia" team. The team is comprised of two CPAs, a University Professor, a TV producer who worked for 60 Minutes, retired ad agency exec from Pittsburgh, a couple from Arkansas who was in the telecom business and our two Brits. We were joined by a member from the cruise staff who is quite an accomplished performer in her own right. It was a lively discussion and an enjoyable time. Chris and I will be sad to leave the team and this ship which we have come to appreciate. We suspect that our experience in the "Diamond Princess" will be nice but not at the level to which we have become accustomed on the Seabourn Odyssey.
Tomorrow, Lyttelton ( Christchurch), New Zealand
Chris - Cool but Warm - As Paul mentioned it was cool today, but that made the hot tub even better as it was warm and I spent almost all day reading and watching the water both from the hot tub on 5. I was the ONLY one there all morning (6 came in afternoon) and I am a fixture on 5. I have my own bartender who brings me ice water, then non alcoholic slushy drinks, cleans my glasses, gives me suntan lotion and does everything but read my book for me. Now if I was at the main pool/hot tubs I would also have the advantage of neck massages occasionally...but I'll take the view and VERY few people on 5. I know they're going to retire my hot tub and chaise when I leave on Monday.