Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 86 Across the Cook Strait to Hawke's Bay, NZ

Today will not go down as one of the most interesting days on this trip for sights we saw. For me it was one of the best days of the trip because the kids were all engaged with each other having fun and enjoying each others company.
The day started out early so we could catch the ferry from Picton, on the south island, to Wellington, on the north island. This was about a three hour ride in very calm seas thru some beautiful scenery. Once off the ferry we spent the rest of the day in the van until we reached our hotel in Hawke's Bay. So far not overly interesting.
We arrived at our hotel, which is a gorgeous old building with a gate just off the road to keep the riff raff out. We have three rooms and it was a contest to see who's room outdid the other.
For me the real value of the day happened when we met for drinks and dinner. There we six were all together and had a great time joking and talking. I tried to savor every moment and appreciate what it is that we as a family enjoy about each other. I am sure for my readers thjs is not what you have come to expect from my travel blog, but to me it was the entire value of having the kids join us in New Zealand.
Tomorrow Taupo, NZ

Patrick - (Guest Blogger) Wow, for a long time reader but first time blogger this is exciting. We covered plenty of ground (and water) today but I worry that I'm beginning to take for granted the beauty of the New Zealand landscape, having spent the past week in the gorgeous south island. What's that? You want to see another range of majestic peaks with a patchwork of colorful fields and sunlit hills in the foreground? Sure, why not, knock yourself out, I'll just be over here watching this waterfall spill straight out of the clouds and be blown to feathers of mist before it reaches the sea. You know, whatever. Say, would you mind turning the starlight down, I'm trying to sleep.
In addition to the sublime surroundings, we've been enjoying some of the best food I have ever tasted. In the course of a single week I've had lamb twice, venison twice, hare, duck breast over walnut mashed potatoes (every bit as good as it sounds), steak, and hokey pokey. Hokey pokey, for those not in the know--that is, everyone who doesn't live in New Zealand--is vanilla ice cream studded with balls of butterscotch which not only tastes delicious but also sounds hilarious when pronounced with a Kiwi accent. Apparently it's a national favorite, and it's quickly becoming a Stubbins favorite.
The one food experience that most stands out for me came two days ago when we were staying in the tree house hotel. My appetizer came with a drizzle of red juice that was best described by Tracy, who called it "essence of skittle." The sugar content must have been astronomical but it tasted too good to exercise any restraint. I decided to refrain from asking exactly what it was lest I find out and become utterly addicted. All in all, there hasn't been one dud restaurant yet. At this point I'm more worried about food lag than jet lag when I get back home. It's been an amazing trip so far and I can't wait to see what the next week has in store for us.


Unknown said...

I want some Hokey Pokey!

Paul and Chris said...

I haven't even had any yet, but it has become a favorite of Paul and the kids.
Wish I could bring you some.