Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 70 Shanghai, China

Well first things first. Because we are in China and there is a spat with Google, our ability to blog is very limited. So for the next few days we may have just a little time each day and our ability to post pictures will be limited.
Now on to the events of the day. Actually, I will begin with last night. We boarded a train bound from Beijing to Shanghai. After struggling to get our luggage in the compartment we were ready to go. The rain was absolutely splendid. It was clean and modern with televisions in the compartment, one for each of the four beds. All Chinese stations but what what did you expect. Right on time at 9:36 pm we left the station and as the train gathered speed plunged into the dark Chinese night. The ride was amazingly smooth and quiet and after a few hours we were quickly asleep, comforted by the number of Chinese soldiers that were also on the train with us. Who would mess with us. We awoke a few hours outside of our destination in Shanghai. There after struggling to get our luggage off the train we were met by my brother-in-law Tom. After dropping our bags off at Tom and Nancy's house and a quick shower we grabbed some breakfast and headed out to Suzhou (Sue-Joe). There we toured the museum which was recently completed and is the final architectural project of its most famous citizen I. M. Pei. From that project he will only consult on projects. This museum was his swan song.
After the museum we visited a large garden with lakes and flowers which were just beginning to bloom. It was very lovely. From there we visited the "Leaning Pagoda" and the grounds that surround it. Then it was back to the city for dinner at a German restaurant.
Now for one of the best parts of the day. After the German restaurant we were treated to a 90 minute foot massage. Hot water, warm towels a shoulder and neck massage then into the recliner where they massaged each foot for about a half hour. What a wonderful experience.
Tomorrow more Shanghai and a full body massage.

Chris - Family, part 2 - As Paul said we took the train to Shanghai and met up with Tom, Nancy and Sara. It was terrific that Nancy took the next 2 days off and will be able to be with us in our sightseeing, Thanks Nancy. Off to the ancient city of Suzhou, known as the "Venice of the East" characterized by old residences, bridges, streets and rivers. It is and was the summer playground of the wealthy and royalty. They say that the most beautiful geisha girls come from this city, which they consider somewhat small...7 million people! First stop the Pei Museum which was very interesting, both from the artifacts that were displayed there and from its look. Pei mixed his modern, clean lines with pockets of bamboo "gardens" outside, framed by huge windows inside that soften his contemporary structure design. Then off to perhaps the most beautiful garden I've ever seen in my life... The Humble Administrators Garden. Built in 1513, it's the largest private garden in China and mixes pagoda pavilions, ponds, gorgeous flowers & willow trees and beautiful zigzagging bridges. What a spectacular setting as you overlook a pond surrounded by willows, see a pagoda and an intricate bridge in the distance. It was very serene and you would expect to see a geisha crossing the bridge, just like it the movies! Unbelievably beautiful! The flowers at the Tiger Hill Pagoda were also gorgeous and made for a very pretty picture with the leaning Pagoda in the background. We then boarded a small boat and wondered through some of the ancient towns of the water region. The water-bound towns display before you and everywhere and every angle is a picture that delights the eye: delicate bridges over flowing water, weeping willows shading quaint houses & walkways and locals performing everyday tasks in the river like washing clothes, birds or a recently killed chicken. "Dorothy you're not in Kansas anymore!" The whole day, topped off with a $15 ninety minute foot massage has been the highlight of all my travels so far. Being with Nancy and Tom certainly was one of the reason it was so special.


Unknown said...

I am so jealous. Our guide with whom we still correspond is from Suzhou. It is supposed to have the most beautiful gardens in China.
I know new Zealand is coming soon. Have great time with your kids.

Unknown said...

Hi guys! We recieved your post card today from Singapore - thanks! The kids loved the picture of Merlion. Sounds like China is amazing. We look forward to traveling there one day ourselves. Looking forward to seeing your vase. Cat + Stan & kids. By the way, we are pregnant with number 4! So we are joining your ranks. Maybe instead of 3 boys and one girl we'll have one boy and three girls. Even though I'm not a gambling man, we're betting it's another girl!

Paul and Chris said...


GREAT news about you and Cat!!! I'm sooo jealous and excited for you guys. I'm feeling boy, but who cares,there advantages to both and what fun!

Take Care