Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 73 Shanghai

Our last day in Shanghai as we will catch our overnight plane to Sidney, Australia. We have had a wonderful time in this crowded city. A couple of observations. It make a big difference when you cross the street and to responsibility to avoid cars is on the pedestrian. When I asked one of the locals why this was the case he replied that there are so many people that if cars had to wait on them traffic would never move. It is a real life game of "Frogger". You take a couple of steps into the street and wait for another opening then a couple more until you are across. It is helpful that they drive on the same side of the road as we do in the US or I would be road kill for sure.
The big challenge for the day is to have only 23 Kilos (50 lbs) per person in luggage. Well we made it barely. After all of the searches we were cleared to get on the plane. Our visit to Shanghai was superb due to the efforts of my sister Nancy and her husband Tom. I highly recommend them to anyone going to Shanghai. They are outstanding.
Tomorrow Sydney, Australia.

Chris - On our last day in Shanghai we spent most of the day trying to get my luggage to 50 lbs. like Paul said. After packing 3 additional boxes to be sent home of both Paul and my stuff ... we made it with no penalties at the airport. We were right at limit which means we can buy nothing in Sydney! Tom, Nancy, Paul and I went to a restaurant called "Lost Heaven" for lunch which had an ambiance that was very Asian and looked like we were eating in a pagoda. It has Yunnan Folk Cuisine, which is step 2 in getting Chris to eat REAL Chinese food. We had "American" Chinese earlier in the week and now Nancy thought I was ready for a closer version of authentic Chinese food. It was terrific, but no sweet and sour chicken. I was able to get out of Shanghai before I had to actually eat a whole meal of Dim Sum. No dummy me. It was hard to leave Shanghai and leave Tom, Nancy and Sara behind, it was so fabulous to spend time with them. We'll look forward to seeing them at Scott and Emily's wedding in September. Next step, Sydney, a 10 hour flight from Shanghai.