Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 8 Honolulu, Oahu Hawaii

Pictures are of The Arizona, Diamond Head, and The Bowfin Submarine

What a lovely day. The great majority of the day was spent at the Pearl Harbor memorials. First, we went to the battleship Arizona memorial and while there also toured the submarine U S Bowfin. This was a major accomplishment due to Chris' claustrophobia to see her climb down the hatch and work our way through the sub. It probably had to do with her agreement with Tracy to drink some wine each Thursday at dinner. She might have felt today was a day to take some risks. After the sub we visited the Pacific Air Museum which had a collection of planes from WW II.
So at least for the next few days we will be experts on the sneak attack that occurred on December 7, 1941. A few more days at sea, with some drinks mixed in, on my part, will no doubt blur our recollection and we will be back to our normal state of blissful ignorance.
This evening we were entertained at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel "The Pink Palace of the Pacific" on Waikiki Beach. We were struck by how much development has taken place since we were here last. There is quite a collection of very high end retailers that have taken up residence just off the beach.
Tomorrow we are to land at Maui.


Tracy said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!! I hope there was a best buy in one of those battleships...if not can I send a battery to the pacific ocean?? Things are great hunting has proved to be extremely fun and very exciting!! Love you guys!! Keep the posting up!

cullman said...

Please send pictures of Chris every Thursday night (post-wine).

Unknown said...

Glad you made it to land! I want my next vacation to be to that Marriott in Kauai! We stayed at the Marriott on Maui and it wasn't as pretty as your picture in Kauai! You guys are great bloggers!!!