Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 6 Nearing Hawaii

Today was our last day of the longest "at sea" stretch we will have. I will try to post some more pictures of the ship with this entry. We have had some problems due to the minimal satelite coverage so uploading pictures is tedious. I had the blog written last night with six, count them, six pictures but when I went to post the entry I lost everything.

I spent part of today online with a support person from HP and found out that my battery is not functioning at all. I will have to have a power source to continue to have access to the net.
I did see some flying fish today which was pretty neat. They are about 6 inches long and about a big round as a cigar.
We need to send birthday wishes to Scott since 34 years ago on the 27th he joined our happy family.
We had a nice dinner tonight which was a special menu of the chef. It was a seven course meal which ended with homemade macroons.


cullman said...

Still trying to leave a comment.

Scott Stubbins said...

Glad to see you are able to get some pictures of the boat on there. It certainly does look nice and spacious. Glad you are having a great time, but wish you could be back in the 'Nati for my birthday. Don't worry, I'm in great hands with my fiance.

Emily said...

Love the pics!

We are using the gift certificate from you guys for Scott's b-day dinner tonight. So you will be here in spirit.

And from a fellow blogging novice may I suggest that you go ahead and post as you draft? You might find going back to add detail easier than doing a complete post before you save. I find people are pretty forgiving online if they see work in progress.


cullman said...

You may be on day 6, but I'm on day 3 of trying to figure out how to leave a comment. There's an awful lot of security on this site. Seen any predator drones overhead? As for Emily's comment, I think you have enough down-time that you should proofread your postings. Your followers are a petty discerning lot.

Unknown said...

I had tears in my eyes reading Curt's "testing, still testing," and then the ensuing comments. The predator drones are "watching" you... We are a pretty discerning lot, 'specially us "southeastern" folks. I would have said southern, but Curt & Paula don't say ya'll; hence the more specific geographic reference to the eastern and southern area of the map... Enjoy your nightly bubbly!

Seriously though, does anyone know why the Secret Service would be calling me about my earlier blog message?? They muttered something about ya'll having to speak the perimeter password slowly and clearly??