Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dasy 3 About the Ship

We are sailing on the Seabourn Odyssey. The ship is small as cruise ships go. There is room for 450 passengers and 330 crew. The ship is 650 feet long and 84 feet wide. After a couple of days of being tossed about like a cork in the ocean some of the charm of a small ship was lost. Now that we have found calmer seas some of that charm is returning.
There are 4 restaurants on board and a few cafe type spots that serve finger food and beverages.
We are located on deck 6 on this 11 deck ship. Passengers are berthed on decks 4 thru 10 with the balance being used either for equipment and crew which are mostly the lowest decks and common areas on the upper decks.
The passengers are a widely diverse group of people albeit mostly older. From what we can tell at this time they seem to come from mostly european countries and north america. They do seem to have a penchant for dressing up as the suggested dress for many of the dinners is either "black tie optional" or "elegant casual"

My two cents worth....OK how many of you really thought I'd never post anything even though it really is Paul's baby. I thought I'd give you my perspective on the last two days. We were very fortunate that neither Paul or myself got sick, thanks to Emily and her telling us about ginger so we made sure we had some before meals. I never had nausea but I DID have a nervous stomach the first night because I thought we were going to DIE! The waves were enormous and the wind at times was 45 mph. The Captain said the high winds were good as it help knock down the waves...hmmmm. We got upgraded to the 6th floor before sailing...thank goodness. Even on the 6th floor the waves spray reached our veranda and veranda's door. There is salt everywhere! I got up a couple times during the night to make sure the waves weren't above our level of the ship. The fact they weren't seem to calm me for some reason. After the first night I didn't seem to have any concerns as the conditions improved a little and we saw the Captain and he seemed happy. Well I DID check out how much wine he had at dinner as we ate across from the Captain's table. After the last two days I felt I needed to relax so a massage seemed like the thing to do. So things have calmed down considerably and the weather is supposed to warm up tomorrow. Maybe they can even fill the pools and hot tubs! All for now.


Paula said...

Since I successfully arrived at this spot, I think I can register a comment. It's interesting that they gave you candied ginger. I knew that ginger ale was great for nausea. Marsha and I had a dinner, one particularly rough night, of ginger ale, saltines, grapes and celery. It seemed to work but I like the idea of having a regular dinner, with a side of candied ginger better :) Hope it's calming down!

Unknown said...

I told you to ask your doctor for Xanax before you left. Besides working for fear of flying I bet it would have worked for death by ship! Ha ha! Glad you survived. Have fun!

Emily said...

Ginger is the wonder herb. I'm sorry that you need it, but glad you have it :)

Scott Stubbins said...

First of all, thank you Tracy for getting the comment section up and running. She was very responsive, even with a dial-up connection in Virginia.

A few of comments:

1) Are any of us surprised that Mom was watching what the captain was drinking? I was only surprised she didn't have him measured for blood alcohol content before leaving the dining area. Can you say Exxon Valdez?

2) Sorry to hear about the bumpy ride, but when I see the words "Champagne flows like water" it is hard to generate toooo much sympathy. Also with 4 months of clothes in your room, it would be hard to fall and not have a soft landing.

3) We need some more pictures, here are some recommendations: Dad dressing "elegantly casual", some shots of the barbie's dream house furniture, a picture with Issac the bartender, and some views from your private deck.

Sorry about the loss of Skype, but we'll work around it. Miss you tons!